Para além da cidade, na zona envolvente há muitas, mesmo muitas, cachoeiras, e também uma Serra bonita (Serra dos Pirinéus). Mas vão ter que esperar mais uns dias para verem as fotos das cachoeiras.

Aproveitamos para provar várias iguarias aqui de Goiás, como o empadão goiano (foto em baixo, com a Guaraná), açai na tigela (bem gostoso!) e escondidinho de carne moida.

Ah, só uma curiosidade. Há cá uma fruta - jabuticaba - cujas flores e frutos nascem directamente dos ramos principais. Bastante curioso e saboroso!
English version
This past weekend (it was a 4-days weekend, because there was a national bank holiday on tuesday and they also gave monday off) we rented a car and spent three days in Pirenópolis, a town located 120 km away from Goiânia. This is an historic city of the stat of Goiás, that was founded in 1727 by some portuguese guy that was after gold mines.
History apart, this city really has in charm! The only downside is the amount of turists from Goiânia and Brasilia.
Apart from the city, in the surrounding area there are a lot, really a lot, of waterfalls, and also a very nice Mountain chain (Serra dos Pirineus). But you will have to wait a couple of days to see these pictures.
The houses are all nicely painted, with lively colours, and the old cars give a special charm to the streets. The only thing out of place are the pickup trucks that they love here.
We had the chance to try all sorts of local food, like the empadão goiano (apudding filled with chicke and palmito; picture above, also showing Guaraná, a very popular soda-like drink), açai in a bowl and "escondidinho de carne moida".
There were some festivities regarding the local Saint, so we could see fireworks while resting from shopping (there are a lot of shops of handcrafts). A shop I didn't visit was the "Bumbum (bottom) bikinis"... I should have gone there, even if it was to satisfy my scientific curiosity (to see the really tiny bikinis they use here). Maybe next time.
Ah, just a curiosity. There is a fruit here - jabuticaba - whose flowers and fruits grows directly from big branches. Really weird and tasty!
¡Suena a que fue un buen fin de semana! Desde luego es un sitio al que volver, ¿no? :) Y ya nos contarás que dice la ciencia de los bikinis en miniatura...jeje ;)